Parent of learner driver?

Are you a parent or guardian of a learner driver and want to help them learn?

Many parents want to get involved in helping their son or daughter learn to drive. Contrary to some instructors, I actively encourage this but for your own safety and in order be of most help, there are a few things you need to do:

I suggest you liaise with me before you allow them to drive your car. You don’t have the benefit, safety and comfort of my dual controls and believe me when I say it could get pretty scary without them until they reach a certain level of competence in driving.

Don’t forget to get suitable insurance for the car they will be driving. Many contact their own insurance company but sometimes it is cheaper to try other companies such as  Marmalade, National Learner Driver Insurance,  or Collingwood.

If you’ve been driving for many years, chances are things have changed since you learnt to drive. It would be good to know that we are both saying the same things. With this in mind I can offer a 1 hour assessment for YOU, just so we can ensure your son or daughter will get the best help when they drive with you.

Lastly, and by no means least, if you’d like to sit in the back of the car during a lesson then I have no issue with that. However, this does depend entirely on you getting permission to do this from the pupil. If they’re not comfortable with you being there then I’m afraid I will have to refuse. After all, it’s their lesson.

In addition to this, I know you’re going to be concerned letting your son or daughter out on the roads with a stranger. Well, I can help their too. Before anyone agrees to starting lessons with me, I am more than happy to come and visit, in your home or choice of venue, and answer any questions you might have. I want you both to feel comfortable with me before the very first lesson. Just give me a call and we can arrange a suitable time for a friendly chat.